low power
Networked devices and connectivity for both embedded sensors and other internet-of-things tech got a boost as another player enters the space with another embedded hardware/software single-chip networking device. Broadcom released a press released with an overview earlier today. “Press Release” jargon aside, they look like they’ll be pretty fun to tinker with. Time to make […]
Researchers out of Korea recently published a paper on their success in implementing a single titanium oxide based memristor integrated with a single crystal silicon transistor. In addition to future research into improvements for the “read” problem of nonvolatile memory via a diode and unipolar resistor combination, they created and tested a 1 Transistor, 1 […]
Thermoelectric peltier cooling effects at graphene and metal junctions have been demonstrated by a group out of the University of Illinois. Kyle Grosse, Feifei Lian, Myung-Ho Bae,William King, and Eric Pop used “… atomic force microscopy to measure the temperature distributions at the contacts of working graphene transistors”: Our data indicate that thermoelectric effects account […]
A new paper from IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL.X, NO.X, 201X titled “Memristor MOS Content Addressable Memory (MCAM): Hybrid Architecture for Future High Performance Search Engines” details the results of recent simulation matrices run on MCAM memristor models using a behavioral modeling approach; results on low power consumption in memory […]
elLoka, a design company in India is promoting the release of an ultra-small, low power, 5 watt “home computer”, claiming its the first such product to be completely designed and manufactured in India. First or not, 5 watts or not, its still a great push towards really, really thin client computing: the design looks like […]
Hot on the heels of Samsungs hopeful and rosy announcement of phase change memory chips in the smartphone market comes a further promise of PCM smartphones with PRAM multichips having their battery life extended by up to 20%: Smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to 20% by changing what type of memory […]