MoNETA Animat overview: IEEE

synaptic-plasticity A great, if optimistic, overview of some of the intersections and confluence of memristor based artificial intelligence research and developments, from DARPA’s SyNAPSE project, in particular, the Animat Moneta (MOdular Neural Exploring Traveling Agent) project (from Boston University’s Neuromorphics Lab), in this months IEEE is worth the read:

MoNETA: A Mind Made from Memristors – DARPA’s new memristor-based approach to AI consists of a chip that mimics how neurons process information [IEEE Spectrum Full Article]

The MoNETA Project is based over at BUweb:

The goal of the MOdular Neural Exploring Traveling Agent (MoNETA) project is to develop an animat that can intelligently interact and learn to navigate a virtual world making decisions aimed at increasing rewards while avoiding danger. The animat, which is a virtual agent living in a virtual environment, is designed to be modular: a whole brain system, initially including fairly simple modules, will be progressively refined with more complex and adaptive modules, and will be tested in increasingly more challenging environment. The animat brain is designed in Cog Ex Machina (Cog), the software realized by HP in collaboration with Boston University in the DARPA SyNAPSE project. BU Full Project Page

August 2010 Video Report of the status of BU’s SyNAPSE project:

2 Responses to “MoNETA Animat overview: IEEE”

  1. Jeff Basel

    This is very interesting stuff. Crummy memories, crummy transistors…. bye bye Von Neumann computation, welcome neuroscience!

  2. Max Versace

    Thanks for posting this.
    More information on the project is available on the Neuromorphics Lab website:

    The blog Neurdon has more information on the project, and related links.

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